The Lamb of God
Throughout heaven and earth, there is a great search! A loud voice announces: "Who is worthy to take the scroll and to loose its seals?" (Revelation 5:2). It is the search for a righteous man. Seated on His glorious throne, surrounded by seraphim proclaiming His holiness, God holds the noble scroll. The scroll is the final judgment of God. It alone will end the tyranny of man's self-destruction and his devastation of
Those Who Love Him
A word came to me recently concerning these missionaries that we have been called to minister to. That word is found in James 2:5, "Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?" As, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, I pondered this passage, this thought was brought to
Is it the world? Is it our own flesh? Is it the devil? From where does this propensity for dullness come? I find myself every morning, every day, having to fight against a dullness that wants to infiltrate my soul and dim the reality of spiritual truth. Dullness to fulfilled prophecyDullness to the power of the living WordDullness to the needs of peopleDullness to the advantage of prayerDullness to the extravagance of
The Promise of the Holy Spirit
It seems to me that Acts 1 is not only a chapter, but also a state of Christianity. The disciples' demeanor in this first chapter is akin to the condition of many believers' attitudes today. The disciples in Acts 1 had Jesus. They had the promises of Jesus. Yet their minds were esteeming material and national issues above spiritual matters. As Jesus spoke to them about the soon coming of the Holy Spirit,
Moses sent twelve spies into the land that God had promised to the children of Israel. He had instructed these men to observe the people, the land, and the cities. The spies returned after forty days. In their hands, they carried clusters of grapes, pomegranates, and figs. The people were encouraged! Joshua and Caleb were excited about the land. They were ready to go in! The other spies, however, were dismayed by